I finished a layout last night. This article is from several years back (the blank circle at the bottom is for the date when I dig it out). My Auntie Gracie had a big named Pokey. She was HUGE. We used to ride her. One day Dean threw her a ball and she ran after it, had a heart attack and died. Anyhow, this article was written while she was still alive, because she had gained quite a bit of popularity in Canim Lake. I kept the page fairly simple, and used a little bit of stamping as embellishment. (Really, what do you use to embellish a page about a pig anyway??)
Other than that, just keeping busy with school and work. Getting my Christmas lists together, making cards, collecting and hiding presents. I'm very excited for Christmas. It snowed a bunch and I've been shoveling. I love to shovel it's great excercise. Ryan is coming home tomorrow and I'm worried because we had some ice rain today. My thoughts are very fragmented and random right now, so I think I'll stop writing, put on some Christmas music and complete a few more cards.