Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I think I might just be done....

You know when you have those moments in your life where you're like "okay, enough shit, I'm moving on"? Today was one of those days. Ryan says I should quit tomorrow, but I just won't do that. I'm not like that. My debate now is whether to give 2 weeks tomorrow, and then try to find a job that will let me take my 3 weeks vacation, or take my vacation and then find a job. I guess I need to start a job hunt and decide from there. To back it up, for those of you who I haven't ranted and complained to today..... I just can not any longer stand the lack of concern, compassion, or dedication from Lynette. I truly feel she is done with her store, and just doesn't want to be there. Which is fine, whatever - but do something about it. Don't screw off and not be there for me. Don't tell me you're here to help, and not do the one thing I ask you to do. Do stand by while I totally impale myself (yes, I ripped my pants and sliced a huge gas in the back of my leg on a paper rack today) and not even care enough to ask if I'm okay. I think she might have said "are you okay" but not "wow, I'm sorry, I'll fix that rack I had no idea" not "do you want to go home" not "did you sterilize it" not nothing. Just the standard what you have to say response and thats it. Although, I really have come to expect only that from her. I had a class tonight, and a bunch of ladies stayed really late to shop - like an hour and a half extra. which is fine, I don't mind, however I KNOW Lynette won't pay me for it. She should, I know she should. She should not only pay me, but pay me overtime. But we've gone through this before, and she just weasels out of it. I know I should fight more for it, but is $16 bucks really worth it? I guess it should be. So anyhow, I know exactly to the penny how much money I owe, so I'm going see if she pays me extra for the shopping time. That too might affect whether I quit now or a little later. I love that store, I love my job, I love the customers, I really really can't stand her. I actually think I went to hating her today, and I really haven't hated a person in a long time. I'm tired, I'm going to bed. I'll stop my run on paragraph here.


Unknown said...

Well I know you think $16/hour sounds like little to fight for, but it adds up! I don't like Lynette either. Didn't get a good vibe from her when I met her. She just seems so fake to me.

Unknown said...

I also want to add that I have finally caught up on your current events! It only took me like an hour to read everything I missed out on. haha

Mary A said...

I totally know how you feel - screw her! You're awesome and everyone knows it. I bet you could run classes out of your apt and keep all the $$ for yourself!! ...Maybe you could do that whilst looking for better employment?? xox

JennD said...

Awwww. That's just nasty. Job hunt, take the vacation - and then quit. You'll find something no problem...and if it isn't the right job - you'll find something else.

I should think Lynette would be smart enough to treat you well, knowing if you go she's back to running the place herself. Some people just don't get it.