Saturday, June 28, 2008


I'm unhooking my computer tonight. My internet actually gets set up at the house on Monday (between 8 and 12, now nice of them), but I dunno if I'll be on much for the next few days. Maybe I will, maybe I'll need a break or two. Who knows. I'm excited to just get all my stuff over there, clean this apartment, and never look back. I've exhausted myself in the process though. I know I have helpers coming tomorrow, but I've done a lot already. I just like to be self sufficient when I can. Sometimes that's silly though. I need to go pack a "can't lose this stuff" bag now, and get ready for work. I might paint a couple rooms on Tuesday and I'll try to post photos either way.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


We're falling apart. Ryan has to drive to town today (Fort Nelson) to sign his end of the papers at a lawyer's office. He is sick. Really really sick. He never is sick, just me. But today he is, and he has to drive 2 hours each way on a muddy slippery road. I am not enjoying this.
I carried a bunch of boxes to the trailer last night. I think I made 20 trips. Now my arms hurt. A lot. Perhaps this is a sign I really need to go to the gym. Who are we kidding, there are signs everywhere. Anyhow, only 1/3rd of the boxes are down there. But it's a start right?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The sold sign is on the house now. That was pretty fun to see. Michelle came to the store to tell me it was up and I had to drive by and check it out. The guy who currently lives there was having a party or something, there was trucks all over the place. When I told Ryan he was like "they better not be putting holes in my walls!". "Yes dear, that's exactly what they're doing. Punching holes in the walls just because they can". Geesh.
Today I bought a hose. Hahaha, my first hose. How hilarious. I'm so tired though, tonight it going to be an early night I think....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday is the big day

I gave our notice today for the apartment. That was extremely exciting. I've been excited through this whole deal, but that was quite enjoyable I tell you. No more smelly apartment. Yay! Sunday is the big move day if anyone is interested in helping. Gotta go pack!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Boxes, boxes, boxes.

I wish I could just snap my fingers and then BAM! everything has magically packed up, sorted between what I want and what's old and falls into the "why do I even have this category." It could unpack perfectly into my new house with another snap of the fingers. I'm kind of down to the basics now, but still have a few more boxes I can conquer today. Ah, my scrap stuff is all packed, it pains my heart. I want to use it now! I might need to pull out a minibook kit or something to keep myself sane. This is torture. That's right, if there was doubt before, there's none now, I am addicted to scrapbooking. My scrap boxes are the most labeled, they have everything that's in them written on it, just because I know if I can't find something when I want it I'll start freaking out. Oh lordy, better move soon.

Last night Jane and I went out to visit Crystal and her family camping. It was fun roasting hotdogs and marshallows. We made s'mores. Ryan and I need to start camping again. I used to always take all of dad's gear, we've got the tent but that's it. Dad doesn't camp anymore, maybe I'll steal all his stuff when we go home this summer. hmmm....

Lots to do today, lots to do tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to start making calls about transfering utlities and all that. Wish me luck that I don't forget one, haha!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

HELLO.... HEllo.... hello....

My apartment is starting to echo. It's weird. Who knew a small place like this could look so big? Take all your crap out and it's easy I guess. Only 6 days until I can go into my new house. I plan to do a dance on the kitchen floor and then run around just because I can. haha. I feel like there's so much to do, and yet nothing I can do all at once. I need to get a hold of an electrician and roofer, the electrician has not called me back, Mike hasn't given me the roofers number yet. I need to set up insurance - they haven't called me back yet either. I need to pack more, but I'm basically down to stuff I'll be using for the next week.... I need to scrub down every surface of my new house, but of course I have to wait until the 27th, the current owners would really think I'm odd if I came by now to clean.... We're going on vacation soon and I don't want to leave my new house, it's like a brand new baby, haha. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time, this countdown is worse than waiting for Christmas!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Home Inspection

Today all went really well. The home inspector gave us a good report - nothing that we really hadn't expected: reshingle the roof, get a new furnace, fix the garage door. I knew all those things. He mentioned little things like resealing around the toilet, etc. Nothing major. Tomorrow I have to get insurance all lined up and that's it. Things are getting exciting :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thank God I'm Moving.

So, I was going to post a photo of my packing boxes, and show everyone how I've got about 12 boxes or so ready to go. Well, instead, guess what? I just saw a body bag get rolled out of my building. No shit. Someone died. DIRECTLY BELOW ME. And I don't know how, no one told me. Is it allowed for someone to die right below you and not be informed? I think not. I think, being above someone when they die allows for knowledge of death thank you very much. Did they just collapse? Did they slip and fall and smash their head, was a knife plunged through their heart? I think I am entitled to this information. The gross part was, the body was placed into a minivan and drove off. I don't think that should be allowed either. If you're going to be a coroner get a real dead body vehicle. Don't use the same thing you drive your kids to soccer in. Yuck. I'm going to bed. I'll let you know if I find out any more info.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I'm sure this is fake, but can you imagine if it wasn't?

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Just wanted to tell you we're going to discuss mortgages tomorrow. All that's left is for Dad and Uncle Charlie to look at the place. Eeek!

It's happening.

Wow, do I ever feel like an adult all of a sudden. House offers, multiple counter offers back and forth. Jesus, I had no idea . I mean I did, but having not done all this before is a little overwhelming.
So far, I think we're getting a pretty sweet deal, which is always nice. As of right now, we've agreed on an offer of 248,000 plus $3000 cash back to fix an electrical problem that is quoted to cost $1500 that he just can't get fixed in time. Uncle Charlie and Dad are booking flights today to be here next Wednesday to inspect the home. If all's good, we literally own the place June 30. June 30!!! How insane is that. Mom's a little cranky because she thinks it's fast, but whatever. Time is of the essence, I have stuff to do people. Can't waste my life haggling over a house I want now.
I'm trying to not get too excited just in case it does fall through, but really, I can't help it. I'm excited and in my head it's already mine. So it better be, or I'll be really sad. If this all goes well then I only have like 2 1/2 weeks to pack up and move all my stuff before we go on holiday back home! Ack! Any moving volunteers? hehe. And! Bonus! we'll be going through Vancouver soon so I can stop at Ikea and buy my coveted scrapbook wall bookcase. I have dreamed of that baby for years, ahh.... :)
Finally here's some of my cards I made lately. These were for June and Brian for their birthdays.
This one is Brian's. Boy cards are hard. It's still pretty flowery, but anything that comes with coffee gift certificates inside has to be good right?
June's first card. I made her two because I couldn't decide which one I liked more. I gave her a bunch of bath stuff with this one.
Hahahaha, I love this stamp. On the inside it says "Have a Freaky Tiki Birthday". Oh god, that cracks me up.
I'm up extremely earl y this morning. Before 7. Uncle Charlie phoned me, but also I just couldn't sleep. My brain is racing a mile a minute. I'm going to go make an actual breakfast since I'm up so early.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Everything's moving right along.....

Woah, I have big news. We are officially looking at houses. I have a real estate agent. Wowza, am I grown up. Okay okay, it's my friends son and I think he secretly thinks I am crazy, but whatever. It's good to be a little nuts. Yesterday he took us to four houses. We waited until being preapproved for a mortgage, because I didn't want to get all excited and then have then be like "sorry, no." So we've been preapproved and went out and saw some places the very same day. My parents first house they bought the first one they saw. The agent took them all over town all day showing them other places because he was like "you can't buy the first thing you see". But they did anyhow. So far, we might too. But Mike is showing us more places today. So we'll see.
Adam told me yesterday that he is for sure 100% coming here to live with us. So I'm looking for 2 floor homes, so he can have some private space and so can we. Mom says "Maybe you can try and find him a girlfriend?". haha, poor Adam. I'm excited to have a little company when Ryan's gone, and even if Adam's gone too, I'll have Steve (Adam's dog). He's going to need some training for sure.... Adam's not as strict as me, surprise surprise.
Well I do have some cards to post and such, but again, I'm writing this when I should be getting ready for work so they will have to wait.

Friday, June 6, 2008

What to say?

So much going on, but what to write about? I've been busy, busy with work and hanging out. Which is good, I'm not normally so social. I like it. Crystal had her birthday this week so we all scrapbooked at the store. It was a lot of fun except for a few details about a certain someone. I can't get over how she just loves to steal the show, and make all the attention on her. It's insane how she gets away with it.
Ryan's home. We've got an appointment on Monday with each of our banks to investigate mortgages and all that. I dunno if we're going to go through with it if Adam doesn't come here - we just might not be able to afford it with me going back to school. I seem to have a definite plan of what I want, min. 3 bedrooms if Adam comes, if not I could live with 2, I'd love 2 bathrooms, but again, could live with one, and in a nice neighborhood. Ryan wants, good neighborhood, big yard, garage, finished basement, at least 3 bedrooms, fenced yard.... his list goes on and on. I have a feeling this is going to cause a few arguments. It's healthy to fight once in a while right? haha. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.
I should be getting ready for work now.... I'll try to post some layout photos later.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


My head is spinning.... I've spent the last few hours reading about different types of mortgages, open, closed, variable, amortization rates, terms, interest. It's intense. There are so many options. You want to make sure you pick the right one. Ryan and I are going to go to our banks next Monday and figure out what's best.
Today I went to Crystal's place to scrapbook. Jane came as well. We scrapbooked for a while, and then went outside to enjoy the sunshine. It was fun to visit, I really haven't had a lot of friends since we've moved here and it's nice to just hang out and chat with people more frequently. Starting to feel a bit more social again. To top it all off I went to June's for dinner - two friends in one day, check me out. We had this chicken thing where you jam a can of beer into the chicken butt and cook it on the bbq. The whole concept was just hilarious to me being as mature as I am. So I was invited along to appease my curiosity. It was quite enjoyable.
I'm going to head to bed I think, I dunno what I'm going to do tomorrow- it's my cleaning day I suppose.