Sunday, June 1, 2008


My head is spinning.... I've spent the last few hours reading about different types of mortgages, open, closed, variable, amortization rates, terms, interest. It's intense. There are so many options. You want to make sure you pick the right one. Ryan and I are going to go to our banks next Monday and figure out what's best.
Today I went to Crystal's place to scrapbook. Jane came as well. We scrapbooked for a while, and then went outside to enjoy the sunshine. It was fun to visit, I really haven't had a lot of friends since we've moved here and it's nice to just hang out and chat with people more frequently. Starting to feel a bit more social again. To top it all off I went to June's for dinner - two friends in one day, check me out. We had this chicken thing where you jam a can of beer into the chicken butt and cook it on the bbq. The whole concept was just hilarious to me being as mature as I am. So I was invited along to appease my curiosity. It was quite enjoyable.
I'm going to head to bed I think, I dunno what I'm going to do tomorrow- it's my cleaning day I suppose.

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