Another layout done. Sorry the photo is so horrible. Wrong time of day to take a photo. It's all shadowy and the paper is foiled so it's got a weird glare to it. I think this paper went totally awesome with the photos. I love the photo of Ryan. Nothing too fancy here - I used some of those Prima fancies - great flowers, but only 12 in a pack? What a rip for 8 bucks. Used some more Prima flourishes here - I think I need to buy like 6 packs of those things, they are such an easy page filler, and so pretty.
Not much new to report with my life. Keith was supposed to call me today about coming to stay at my house, but he didn't. I suppose he'll call tomorrow. He's working about 20 minutes out of FSJ for a couple weeks. I went and saw him on Sunday - he's camping at Kiskatnaw (I probably spelled that all wrong.) Lucky I had been out there that one time with Jane to see Crystal or I would have never found him. He looks good, although randomly, I think he's taller. He's definately skinny though, so maybe he just looks taller. Or I shrunk. At any rate - it was hard to hug him.
I filled holes in the wall in Adam's room tonight, took down a cheap ugly shelf..... tomorrow I'm going to sand it all down and wash the walls. One step closer, bit by bit. I feel like I'm slacking on that project. I've just been zooming through my scrapbook pages I'd rather work on that. He'll be here pretty quick though, so I need to hurry up.
Dropped off a few resumes today, I dunno. I need a job, but I don't know where I want to work. How random. I feel a little lost about it. Torn maybe. Same old story - I dont' want to quit my job, but I'm feeling like I have no choice. I love it, but I can't stand the environment. And if I'm not happy, I shouldn't be doing it. June gave me a good suggestion to go apply at some banks, so I think I will do that in the next few days.
I think I've rambled enough for one day. I'll write again soon.