Monday, August 4, 2008

Queen of Destruction and some layouts

I tackled the wallpaper in Adam's room today. It's not quite done. I figured an hour and a half of scraping at walls was enough for me for one day. I'll finish it tomorrow night after work. These people who lived here before are so very strange. A few walls had the border taken off (I think they actually never even got as far as putting it on) and one had only half a wall of border..... anyway, it's coming down. Scraping wallpaper is kind of gross and a little bit enjoyable. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Here's my layouts I did this week in no particular order. I'm still unbelieving of how many I finished. The first one here is Lily wearing these big snorkel goggles up at the cabin. She could barely see out of them, but she kept picking them up and wanting them on.
These are shots from Texada Island. We were searching for beach creatures.
Lily again. She's just cute.
Ryan wanted some photos of him in his diving gear. These are my favorites.
Lil again. I think this is my most favorite picture I took while home. I didn't do too much on this layout, but really, there wasn't much to do.
Our last night we had dinner at Auntie Ingrid's. The boys got Popsicles for desert. I had to capture the cute little moment of Daelin sharing his popsicle with Brayden.
Lily again. Ryan took these photos. I was quite proud of him.

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