Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all had a great day yesterday. We certainly did! Mom and Dad made it here safely on Tuesday morning. We've been having a good time catching up. Christmas Eve we went over to Crystal and Jason's place. Santa Claus made an appearance. The kids LOVED him. Very cute. Crystal please send me the photo of me sitting on Santa's lap. I can't wait to see it. We exchanged gifts and Crystal got me an awesome Sassafrass paper pack. It's a pink snowy line I had never seen before. I think it might be last years stuff. Very cool designs.
Christmas Eve we opened our stockings. We usually don't but I felt like I couldn't wait any longer to open up gifts.

I was acting like a child. I could not find our stockings this year. I guess they got lost in the move though I don't see how. I kind of feel like when I take down the tree they may appear, but oh well. Ryan and I decided that as part of our gifts we would give each other new stockings. They were a surprise. He bought mine at Needful Things. Very pretty. I made his for him at Crystal's house. I got his name pressed on at work. Very fitting to his personality. I'm very proud of it. They were stocked full of lots of good things.
One of my other gifts was a steam mop. I wanted one really badly. Today I got the perfect chance to use it. Yesterday we cooked bacon for breakfast and poured the grease into a tin can. When I was making the gravy for dinner I topped the can up with turkey fat. Thinking nothing of it, we left it sitting on the counter today and all went out. About 4 hours later we re

turned home to find an empty tin can laying on the floor and a huge pile of vomit. Steve had stolen the can and licked it clean. Disgusting right? I could not believe the dirt that came off of my floor. I swear I wash it once a week. It was unbelievable. Steve later puked again in the kitchen and one more time on my living room rug. I'm pretty upset with him. We keep kicking him outside and then as soon as we bring him in, he pukes. I don't know what to do with him tonight while we sleep. Anyhow, I think that's enough for one day. I'll list all my gifts tomorrow :)
1 comment:
oh fuck that is so gross!!! hahaha. i think i was chatting with you on msn when you realised what had happened actually! :p
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