Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its been a while....

I haven't blogged in quite some time. I've been so busy with work and sorting out the basement and being alone. Adam went to Kamloops to work, and it seems he may only come back to collect his things. Ryan is at camp (but home tomorrow). I feel a bit like a single mom working and taking care of two puppies. Currently Mack is behind me barking because he wants to play. I try to work, come home, eat a decent meal, play with them and get in some cleaning and things I enjoy, but it's tricky. The other night I feel asleep at 7:30 and woke up at 7 am. On the couch, no less.
I wish I had found the time to blog and keep you all up to date on my life, but I just couldn't find the time. Tonight I'm relaxing with a cup of tea in my new Tigger mug (Thanks June and Brian!). I wanted to share a website I came across in a scrapbook magazine.
The site is called Stumble Upon. You sign up, enter your interests and then click "Stumble". It takes you to random websites based on what you said you were interested in. It fine tunes the results over time when you select "like it" or "don't like it". One site I came across tonight is MyPaperCrane. The site is by some girl who is selling plush things she's created. Like toast, and mushrooms, and cupcakes. They are super cute, and I feel a need to own some of them although I have NO idea what I would actually do with them, so I resisted.
Seriously, how cute is that? I think they'd be adorable on the shelves in my scrap room... but I can't justify $30 for one. I'll have to take up sewing now and make my own. I'm off to go pet my puppy and read a book. I'll try to blog again soon.

1 comment:

cdutchak said...

Some of the best advice I ever heard was "Something has got to give." Take what you want with it but it's good advice.