Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Getting put back together

Here's a shot of our house from tonight. It looks so different! They took down the big dying tree out front and cleaned up the other one. We've lost privacy, but I think it looks so much nicer. I'm excited to put in a flower bed and make it more homey. Those trees were just so ratty and gross. I need some good landscaping ideas. I'm completely clueless when it comes to plants and how they will grow and spread and whatever. For this year, I may just map out where I want the garden to go and add a bush or two. The plants can come next year.
I need to you to vote. Please leave me a comment with what colour you think the trim on our house should be. I'm going with charcoal grey. Any other ideas?

1 comment:

cdutchak said...

Charcoal is nice but I think you should paint your door a colour. I really like something like a dark raison.