Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vacation Update #2

We just got back from a weekend of camping! It was a tonne of fun! We went to Texada Island and camped at Shelter Point with about 30 of Ryan's family members. We went kayaking, walked through some trails, watched the sun set, ate great food and visited a lot! It was good to see everyone together. We had a surprise when Ryan's cousin Becky showed up for one night. I think the only person missing was Ryan's sister Vicky.
The dogs were really well behaved. There are so many deer on the island and I thought Steve would bark all night hearing them in the bushes. They were so exhausted they slept nearly as long as we did.
It's been hot here. I think 32 today. Tomorrow I plan to spend the whole day at the lake swimming.
I'm off for dinner now. We should be back in FSJ Thursday night.

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