Sunday, September 27, 2009

Retreat Weekend!

We had tons of fun this weekend scrapbooking! Michelle, June, Crystal and I totally knocked out the layouts and worked our way through a ton of awesome pages. There was some great bonding time as we fumbled about in the dark, drove out to the camp, chatted over pages, and whispered quietly at night.... Here are a few shots.Crystal had a brad accident. It turned into a cool picture.

Who is this dork? haha.

Me and June. She looks beautiful, and I look all lumpy (and chunky right ladies?)


cdutchak said...

Chunky... Lumpy... That's funny. That picture of the brads totally made me feel all stressed out. I better go fix that.
I need to go get page protectors and extensions to get all my layouts away. Good post Ang.

Mary A said...

you are gorgeous!! xoxox