Saturday, September 5, 2009

Secret Scrapbook Society

Crystal, June and I really would like to start a monthly scrapbook night. Something similar to a book club where each member hosts a night at their home. The host would provide snacks, and a scrapbook challenge for the other members. We are hoping this club will take off, and be the first Friday of every month. Next month is my house - Friday October 2nd, 7 pm. We'll try to be a bit more organized for that go around.
Last night Crystal and I met together for our first evening. She challenged me to use felt on a layout. This is NOT something I am comfortable with. She even tried to get me to stitch a piece, but I think I had too big of dreams and it just didn't work out. The layout isn't finished yet, but here is a sneak peek, with my little felt hearts.

1 comment:

Robyn Schaub said...

The sneak peek looks great! Can't wait to see the final!