About time I posted again. (And I'd like to mention that this is my 200th post!!!) I know there are a few people waiting to see some Halloween photos. This year Ryan and I were a couple costume. This has never happened before, and that is because I have NEVER seen Ryan dress up EVER! I'm glad he did though, because we had a really fun time.
I need to adjust the red eye in this photo, but I think it's pretty cute :)
At work again - Me, Kyle (Happy Gilmore), VG (we made him put on this hoodie, he's 60 something so it was pretty funny) and Kristen (Spiderman)
My photo of Dave, Michelle, Jason, Crystal and us isnt' the greatest, so hopefully someone else has a better one. Michelle and Dave were Bob and Doug Mckenzie, Crystal was an 80's girl and Jason was an anatomically correct skeleton :) I still can't get over how slimming that costume is on him. He looks tiny!
dork! :)
looks like fun.
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