Lets start with the good news first. Good news is always better. I got a call yesterday from the AHCOTE office. I have an interview on May 16th to see if I get into college for my teaching degree. So that's pretty exciting. Although, I wonder what they will ask me. Hopefully it's similar to the interview I had to substitute teach. I totally rocked that interview. Although, I suppose I should dress as if I was a teacher, that's a good excuse to buy new clothes. I really dunno what they'll ask though...... ah, I'm a little freaked out.
My other good news is really quite surprising. Those of you who know Dad will understand. I had mentioned to my mom that Ry and I were looking at houses. Well, last night on the phone Dad says to me "Mom says you've been looking at buying a house". "Oh god, here we go" I thought. I respond with "More just looking around, educating ourselves. We were more curious how much things cost to know what we needed to save up for a deposit." Dad says, get this, "Well, when you're ready to look seriously, let me know and I'll come up and help you." No remarks about me getting a real job first, or living up here so far away, or about me and Ryan being together for ever. Just a honest, real, genuine answer. Don't get me wrong, my dad is a very loving man, and I think the world of him. I just never in a million years expected that answer.
Bad Idea No. 1: "Let's go out for dinner". We went to White Spot because it's one of only 4 places to eat here. Our waitress was HORRIBLE. She took our order, and came back like 15 minutes later to ask "What did you order again?" Comes out again, to tell him they don't have the soup he wanted. He picks another. She comes back another 10 minutes later to tell Ryan that he can't get soup with his Clubhouse. (We were very confused by this, but okay......) He then says he'd like salad. Okay, cool. Food is served, Ryan ends up with soup and a salad, no clubhouse. She then runs away before he can question her, and before I can ask for ketchup. She also failed to fill up his empty glass. She was gone seriously forever, until she comes out, while we are still eating to go "here's your bill" and then disappears again. I was going to get a dessert to take home for later, but I guess not. Seriously, it was comical how awful she was.
Bad Idea No. 2: "Let's go for a walk, it's not that cold". Okay, yes, it is that cold. My feet cramped up, my face turned bright red, my nose froze shut and my hair turned crispy. Nice spring we're having here.
We're going to GP this weekend, hopefully it'll be a bit nicer for the drive. And hopefully I can pick up some cool scrappin' stuff. Not that I need anything, but whatever. I'm gonna go work on a minibook for my daddy for father's day. Bye bye!