Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ikea according to Adam

"If you do a shitty job you'll be sad. If you do a good job, you'll be stoked"

Okay, granted it was probably a lot funnier when he said it. But I just had to share. Good ol' Ikea.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ding dong, you're a jerk.

This post is directed to the ass who rang my doorbell at 2am last night.

Grow up. Seriously. Who do you think you are? You think it's funny running around waking people up? What, were you just testing to see if we were home? Well now you've pissed off my brother who's prepared to come at you with a baseball bat. And I'll have you know that I practiced my swing techniques in the kitchen this morning. I'm ready for you. So go ahead and come back. I'm sleep deprived and cranky now jerkwad.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dogs are simple

Here's Steve chasing a flashlight.... well the light itself anyhow. What a dork. Doesn't he know he can't get it? We did this to him for like 15 minutes.....

Sorry, I don't know how to switch it vertical, hope you don't get a neck cramp

I live with monkeys.

Seriously, two of them. It's amazing to me how obnoxious boys can be. Tonight they were down in the basement watching me fold laundry (how generous of them to watch and not bother to help, but anyhow) and they come across a can of compressed air. You know, the kind you use to clean out computers and stuff. Well they decide to rig it up with a big straw and blow chunks of paper all over my kitchen. They're giggling like children. They don't even listen when you talk to them. I'm in over my head. They've formed an alliance and I'll never be the same.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sign me up Discover

If it doesn't fit, cut it.

I'm on the laptop, so I only have this one photo, but thought I'd share it anyhow. Remember when I said Adam's bed didn't fit downstairs? Well, here's the solution. Ryan chopped it in half. I was really skeptical at first, and was like, "yeah right, that idea is dumb." But it worked. They took all the fabric off of it, chopped it, brought it downstairs, braced it with some scraps of wood and covered it again. Sure one day we'll have to undo that to get it up the stairs, but we'll worry about that later. I'm tired, but the boys (Ryan, Adam, Keith) are all playing guitar hero... it's been like 2 hours now, I was done an hour and a half ago so I'm hiding out in the bedroom. Anyhow, I'm going to attempt to sleep.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Adam's Here

Time goes by quickly! It seems like yesterday that I was in Powell River, saying Adam would be here in a month and a half. But today he arrived. He got here around noon. I was at work, but Ryan was here to help him unpack. I left work around 2:30 to come help.
FINALLY I got around to washing the walls in his room, taping and painting. Better late than never right? Ryan cut in and I rolled the first coat of primer. It definitely needs two to cover those horrible blue walls. It's going to end up a light chocolate brown. Hopefully we'll have it done tomorrow night, then I can post a photo.
I also need to post a shot of Adam's gargantuan tv. It's so huge and awkward they couldn't carry it into the house all in one shot. So boys being boys, took my sled, and drug it across the lawn! I wish I took a photo it was hilarious.
Steve's doing good. He's scared to go down the stairs; they're kind of steep. He'll have to get used to it though. Right now Adam is carrying him down. What a baby.
It feels like I'm never ending moving in. This has been going on for 2 months now. More if you count my packing up the apartment. It's exciting for it to finally be rounding up here (or so I hope).
Going to go to bed, more later.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What a View

Another layout done. Sorry the photo is so horrible. Wrong time of day to take a photo. It's all shadowy and the paper is foiled so it's got a weird glare to it. I think this paper went totally awesome with the photos. I love the photo of Ryan. Nothing too fancy here - I used some of those Prima fancies - great flowers, but only 12 in a pack? What a rip for 8 bucks. Used some more Prima flourishes here - I think I need to buy like 6 packs of those things, they are such an easy page filler, and so pretty.

Not much new to report with my life. Keith was supposed to call me today about coming to stay at my house, but he didn't. I suppose he'll call tomorrow. He's working about 20 minutes out of FSJ for a couple weeks. I went and saw him on Sunday - he's camping at Kiskatnaw (I probably spelled that all wrong.) Lucky I had been out there that one time with Jane to see Crystal or I would have never found him. He looks good, although randomly, I think he's taller. He's definately skinny though, so maybe he just looks taller. Or I shrunk. At any rate - it was hard to hug him.

I filled holes in the wall in Adam's room tonight, took down a cheap ugly shelf..... tomorrow I'm going to sand it all down and wash the walls. One step closer, bit by bit. I feel like I'm slacking on that project. I've just been zooming through my scrapbook pages I'd rather work on that. He'll be here pretty quick though, so I need to hurry up.

Dropped off a few resumes today, I dunno. I need a job, but I don't know where I want to work. How random. I feel a little lost about it. Torn maybe. Same old story - I dont' want to quit my job, but I'm feeling like I have no choice. I love it, but I can't stand the environment. And if I'm not happy, I shouldn't be doing it. June gave me a good suggestion to go apply at some banks, so I think I will do that in the next few days.

I think I've rambled enough for one day. I'll write again soon.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Seize the Day

I finally hung the sign we bought in Jasper. I LOVE it. I'm so happy. I hope you can read what it says, but if not it says "Seize the Day, greet the sun, welcome the moon, wish upon a star!" I think it's perfect for the bedroom. Anyhow, just posting this so Ryan can see. And for those of you who haven't seen, this is the colour Ryan painted the bedroom for me. Nice hey?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

More pages

It's been so hot here. Work has been disgusting, I don't even want to be there because of how hot it is. I think it's illegal for me to work in such heat, seriously. But apparently the people who are supposed to care about these things don't, so who am I to start an uproar? Kind of hard to rebel when your boss is no where to be seen and probably wouldn't notice anyway. Not that Leanne reads this, but I'd like to say a big thank you to her anyhow for keeping me as cool as she could possibly do. She's my lifesaver of the week.

I went to June's last night and finished a layout I had started last weekend, and did another. The first one is Blair and Cam showing off some starfish. I had a sweet photo of Jenny, but uh, Jen, I forgot to tell you, you're kind of showing us some nipple almost, so I had to omit it. Haha, remind me to send you that photo, it's xrated. haha. Anyway, on this first one I am pretty happy with it. The colour choices are kind of random, and I used Christmas paper, but whatever works. And! I used my Quickutz again, I need to use those more. Although, I did buy two more, and only one from my current selection, so perhaps that doesn't count.
This layout is from our speedy trip to Jasper. I LOVE this layout. Thanks June for helping me get it perfect. I might try to submit this one somewhere, we'll have to see who's asking for what.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Queen of Destruction and some layouts

I tackled the wallpaper in Adam's room today. It's not quite done. I figured an hour and a half of scraping at walls was enough for me for one day. I'll finish it tomorrow night after work. These people who lived here before are so very strange. A few walls had the border taken off (I think they actually never even got as far as putting it on) and one had only half a wall of border..... anyway, it's coming down. Scraping wallpaper is kind of gross and a little bit enjoyable. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Here's my layouts I did this week in no particular order. I'm still unbelieving of how many I finished. The first one here is Lily wearing these big snorkel goggles up at the cabin. She could barely see out of them, but she kept picking them up and wanting them on.
These are shots from Texada Island. We were searching for beach creatures.
Lily again. She's just cute.
Ryan wanted some photos of him in his diving gear. These are my favorites.
Lil again. I think this is my most favorite picture I took while home. I didn't do too much on this layout, but really, there wasn't much to do.
Our last night we had dinner at Auntie Ingrid's. The boys got Popsicles for desert. I had to capture the cute little moment of Daelin sharing his popsicle with Brayden.
Lily again. Ryan took these photos. I was quite proud of him.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I heart Scrapbooking

Today June and I scrapbooked for 11 hours, with breaks only to eat lunch and dinner. It was a delightful day. I think I completed like 5 layouts, which is pretty darn great. I'll post some tomorrow.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


'Bout time I put something on here. here's some shots from random parts of our trip. I'll elaborate in the next few days.

Ryan and I stopped at Hell's Gate on the way down to PR. It was lame, you only go across the water and down. It's like, 1 minute. Lots of others liked it, but they were from Germany and stuff. I guess I've seen raging waters and mountains before... so 1 minute wasn't enough to dazzle me. It was really hot there though, and we were wearing too much clothing. Ryan was smart and wore sunglasses for the photo, I took mine off and look a little dorky.
Up at the cabin every night we'd take Lilly on the boat to get her tired and ready for bed. I think it kind of scared the bejezzus out of her and woke her up, but whatever. Life experience.
This is Ryan giving Rusty a bath at the cabin. It's noteworthy because Rusty HATES the water, so this doesn't happen often, and also because the shorts Ryan is wearing are hilarious.

Me and Jenny on Texada island when we all went camping. That weird contorted figure in the background is Blair looking for fish and stuff.
Me and Ryan in Jasper. We took another tram there, much cooler that Hell's Gate. We went way up.... above the treeline. Lots of pretty things to look at like blue lakes and really really pointy mountains. And, did you know that they built Jasper in the shape of a J on purpose?

Friday, August 1, 2008


I'm still alive, I've just been busy. I now have my photos on my camera, and my room is 80% in order. I have no more excuses. I will blog soon, I swear.