Saturday, July 16, 2011

no matter how you look at it, crack sucks.

... drugs, butt, wall.... I'm not totally sure how we will fix this yet. For now it's all cleaned up and I just don't have laundry. I can live with that for a bit.

Friday, July 15, 2011

There's a lot of fun things you can do on a Friday night

This is NOT one of them. I went downstairs about 7:00 and the floor was dry. Around 9:30, I went down again for some random reason and the floor under the washer and dryer was soaked! I called Ryan down and we just started tearing things apart. I do not want mould and so I'm not even going to try and save anything. Out it goes.
Not a lot of water got mopped of the floor, but it sure made a hell of a mess.

We think the water is coming out of the wall somewhere around here. Don't know for sure just yet.

Bye bye laundry area. What a royal pain.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011 Crystal says take a picture....

...and I am currently doing everything Crystal says. Haha. After enjoying the Canada Day festivities at the park we walked home and went past the gym. She bullied me into getting a 2 month membership. I started going on Monday. She has very nicely set me up with a routine and taught me how to do it so I didn't hurt myself. Other than a few jokes about my limp noodle right arm she was very helpful.

I've been to the gym every day since Monday, other than Thursday when I used my wii at home. I've enjoyed it quite a bit and can't say yet that I'm ready to give up. I had a fear I would hate it, and that I'd only go because I spent the money, but so far it's pretty good. I hope that after my 2 months are up I continue it. So here's a picture of overweight me. I hope to soon post a photo of a slightly slimmer me.