Saturday, July 9, 2011 Crystal says take a picture....

...and I am currently doing everything Crystal says. Haha. After enjoying the Canada Day festivities at the park we walked home and went past the gym. She bullied me into getting a 2 month membership. I started going on Monday. She has very nicely set me up with a routine and taught me how to do it so I didn't hurt myself. Other than a few jokes about my limp noodle right arm she was very helpful.

I've been to the gym every day since Monday, other than Thursday when I used my wii at home. I've enjoyed it quite a bit and can't say yet that I'm ready to give up. I had a fear I would hate it, and that I'd only go because I spent the money, but so far it's pretty good. I hope that after my 2 months are up I continue it. So here's a picture of overweight me. I hope to soon post a photo of a slightly slimmer me.

1 comment:

Snowfalls said...

I love the pink shoes!